For many years Integris Systemy IT Sp. z o.o. has been cooperating with the leading scientific and educational centres in Poland, in the scope of IT and management. As a result of the cooperation Integris has organised to educational laboratories, equipped with the Microsoft Dynamics AX system. One of them is the laboratory at the IT Institute of the Poznań University of Technology, where courses are provided in such subjects as, inter alia, Organisation of Business Processes, Management of IT Processes and IT Applications – ERP systems.
The second laboratory was established at the Institute of Management of the Poznań University of Technology, where Production Management courses are provided at the Department of Management and Logistics. In laboratories equipped by Integris, every year, several hundred students have the opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most modern ERP systems worldwide.
The result of the cooperation of the INTEGRIS company with the scientific and research centres over the recent years includes several dozen MSc thesis, engineering thesis, a PhD dissertation as well as several scientific publications.