June was a month of hard work for us. Two production starts of the Ms Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365 installations within one month is a good test for our team of consultants and programmers.

Those of us who were involved in ERP projects know this feeling and the thrill of launching an ERP system. Go-live is exciting, misleading, difficult and full of opportunities, all at the same time.

Although it can be a huge step in a long process, this is not the last step. It seems that many project managers use the date of starting the ERP system as their main milestone and key success measure. However, just reaching the start date of the so-called go-live system is only one of the elements of implementation of ERP implementation.
There are many questions that appear only after go-live of the system, for example, what impact on the company will new ERP system have on the company? Will the organization’s activities be more efficient? Do employees use the system effectively? That is why it is so important for us to provide a continous service after the implementation success, in order to supplement technical activities.

Although the training of end-users before launching can reduce many of the risks that organizations face at the time of change, additional reinforcement is needed after launch. For example, project team members should be supported to receive general support and answers to simple, process and system questions. Immediately after launching, about 80% of user problems are associated with a lack of understanding rather than a problem with the system itself, so administrators should be the first level of support.

At Integris, we offer on premises service at our clients base throughout the country and abroad, as well as video conferences and remote assistance. We work continuously and offer a hotline for users 24 hours a day.
In addition, the provision of additional tools, such as cheat sheets and training documentation, will make employees feel more comfortable with the system, and refresher training should also be provided if necessary.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer and we invite you to cooperation.