Integris has implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX in many factories with repeatable production. Most of them are produced in medium or large series, which means that production orders can last up to several weeks.

During the implementation process, we encountered several recurring problems related to this type of production and developed a set of solutions that significantly improved the work of our clients in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Here are some examples of solutions:

  • The main production screen for employees of the production department
  • The main production screen for employees of the production planning department – Production orders are divided into individual tasks, each of which can be planned on another production slot (according to the route of the order). The production screen can be used by both production management staff and production planning employees.
  • Distribution of expected production transactions per days (MRP) – the system during the course of the MRP takes into account the number of days for which the order was planned. Thanks to this, calculating the demand for materials for production orders, it evenly distributes the demand for each day of planned production.
  • Scattering of inventory deviations to production orders – The tool of spreading inventory deviations allows to load production orders with differences resulting from the inventory. Orders from a given date range are loaded, in which the calculated material was spent with download sheets. All scattered deviations are placed in one download sheet before posting, which can be manually edited if necessary.
  • Overweight (for plants producing plastic pipes) – thanks to cutting, weighing and entering overweight samples by AX employees, the system calculates and corrects the automatic consumption of raw materials on the order pick lists. Thanks to this, the consumption of materials in the system is closer to the real one. Overweight control also allows the calculation of production indicators such as OEE.
  • Parallel production orders (solution to the problem of co-products). Functionality allows you to plan multiple production orders (for different products) at the same time. This solution can be used in situations where a single production process results in the production of many products.
  • Production orders in many warehouse units – the functionality allows you to plan and record the revenue of a finished product from production orders in a different unit than the main storage unit.
  • Recording of production operations by bar code reading – Bar codes (EAN128) are also printed for each operation, reflecting the start and end of the operation. Reading the operation start code generates and records the Route card sheet. This solution can also be used throughout the portal – Enterprise Portal.

Specialized production reports, including:

  • Production recipe (also collective) – The report displays information on the demand for materials for a given production order. If multiple production orders are selected for the same product, the report prints the sum of the material requisition for all of these orders.
  • Semi-finished availability report, – The report allows you to check the quantity of available blanks in the warehouse or the need to make them
  • Preservation of recipe retention – the report displays information on the use of materials for finished production orders for a range of dates. They are compared to each other: a list of materials (BOMs) originally assigned to the product, a list of materials estimated in the production order and the actual consumption of materials in the order.
  • Production indicators – a series of reports calculating various production indicators, including availability of production sockets, use of production sockets, quality of manufactured products, OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency).